Detox Water for Craving Control & Beautiful Skin

Ever felt like your body giving up after having too much processed food? Here is an easy detox recipe to detoxify yourself:-

– 1 to 2 L of water
1 lemon

– 5 strawberries sliced
– 1 apple sliced
– handful of fresh mint leaves
– 1 tsp of cinnamon
– handful of ice 

*Cinnamon: improves circulation, thins blood, and manages blood sugar levels. Results in fewer sugar cravings so you eat less and can control calorie intake.

*Apple: vitamin c also known as absorbic acid synthesizes collagen which can help your skin look better. It also helps repair and maintain bones and teeth and helps heal wounds swiftly.

*Strawberries: help fight carcinogens and contains anti aging properties such as biotin and antioxidant ellagic acid which helps prevent sagging skin.

*Mint: helps to improve digestion and gets rid of stomach cramps.

*Lemon: stimulates the digestive track and helps with constipation.

What You’ll Need:
Tupperware Fridge Bottle or Tupperware Handy Cool


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